Redd Foxx was awesome!

He said, "What's the difference in a pickpocket and a Peeping Tom? A pickpocket snatches watches."

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Thank you. Whether they crossed the Ditch I cannot recall. But there may well have been some equivalents. Jewish or, more likely in the UK, otherwise.

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I don't believe they did cross the channel. People forget how rigorous censorship was in the UK back then and customs would have been all over these. But we had our own equivalents in the Rugby Song records and things of that ilk. Anything deemed to be a serious swear got bleeped on the original releases in the early 60's.

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Lewd, crude and not for tender sensibilities, but hilarious if you take the humor in context of the time. Whenever I hit up an old junk shop I scour their collection of albums for these classics. Thanks for this great article. And to those who've never seen a Dolemite film, you're missing out on comedy gold.

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When I was a teenager in the 60’s my friends and I got quite an education from our parent’s collections of Belle Barth, Rusty Warren and of course Red Foxx. Those lps were never found with the “regular” albums! Thanks for the memories...

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I remember the first time I heard Rudy Ray, my mouth hung open! I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing!

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It’s odd that this came up on my feed today, since I was just thinking about Rusty Warren. My parents had the “Songs for Sinners” album, which is kids weren’t allowed to listen to, but of course I did.

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I knew Rudy, but these gals are something else! Mae sounds like Mother Goose in comparison.

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I hope you approved of the piece. It seems to have interested many people.

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You almost certainly right, though perhaps, just as they brought back the latest blues records to enthral the Sixties superstars-to-be, couldn't sailors have picked up the odd naughty long player en route to Blighty?

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Wow. I never knew stuff like this even existed. Admittedly, not the type of stuff I'd listen to--though, I suppose it'd depend what it actually *sounds* like. You never mention in the article what genre this stuff is? Swing? Rock? Jazz? Blues?

Either way, thanks for the fascinating read.

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I think it's what might be termed 'narrative'.

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This was a wonderful read, thank you.

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I often feel the future is so bright I gotta wear shades. All I have are these Russian blast goggles.

Turns out, you can go into a civilization somebody else built and tear it to shreds and call it liberation. You can't do it to your own civilization because people who behave this way are incapable of building any civilization anywhere. They just drift like gypsies destroying anything they touch when they settle down with their next victims.

When you see the fires consuming the skylines, that's finishing what Rudy Ray Moore started. Deep down, nobody really believes any of this is harmless. They are just born that mean and you can't ask why. It's in their nature.

Look at their fruits to determine if men have Abraham for their father. If they had Abraham for their father they would do as Abraham did. If they don't have Abraham for their father then that means they don't have Adam and Eve in their family tree. They have Cain and Lilith.

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Cain was the son of Adam and Eve, so same family. Besides, if we're going down that road, Adam and Eve weren't exactly squeaky clean themselves. Just saying.

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Wrong. Eve was pregnant with her first child when they were driven out of Eden. They've been doing some creative editing of the Bible the past few hundred years. It used to read completely differently. What did you think "Eve lay with the serpent" meant?

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Oh, I don't doubt the Bible has been edited thousands of times. What I find interesting is that you pretend to know the "True Story." Are you God yourself, then?

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I know you're just having your first thoughts about this and as humans do, decided you'd shift to psychoanalysis because that's what modern people do to conceal the fact they don't think very hard about much of anything from cradle to grave. Your question is so inappropriate and completely off-topic it sounds like you're just reading off discarded scripts from Oprah Winfrey's "Super Soul Sunday." No, I have a lifetime behind me of constant, hourly reading from the age I could walk in which I have absorbed about half the Library of Congress, the Western Pantheon and thousands of obscure books with obscure ideas you never even suspected existed. The idea I am offered is millennia old even if this is the first you are hearing of it. It is touched up many times in Gnosticism, the Apocrypha and supporting texts in the Greek and Hebrew. Jewish people speak of it privately but never let the stupid goyim know any of it. "Goy" means "cattle" in Hebrew. If you respond, please try to avoid cliches and platitudes and NPC dialogue. Try to come up with something original. I don't have to "think I am God" (cringe shot) in order to be familiar with the ancient doctrine of Serpent Seed. The Nahash may mean "serpent" to you in Genesis but it actually translates as "serpentine humanoid" in Hebrew. This stuff is baby steps intellectually for toddlers.

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Just read up on "Serpent seed" ideology and holy crap! That nonsense (as if a serpent could impregnate a human) was embraced by white supremacists to justify their hatred for minorities. OK then. I'm done talking with you.

EDIT: I'll leave this link here so readers can decide for themselves who is making most sense in this "conversation": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpent_seed

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I think with an IQ pushing single digits you weren't really going to get much out of this conversation anyway. Thanks for telling me you're not going to be talking to me. I figured you would be running away at some point and calling it a strategic withdrawal. Keep winning and let's hope you're triple boosted. P.S. Wikipedia was set up and is run by a pedophile pornographer. You think it is a source of authority.

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'Goy' means 'nation' in Hebrew. 'Goyim,' often rendered in English translations as 'the nations of the Earth' means foreigners.

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Sure it does.

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Awesome article! Those old album titles were pure fire haha

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These were not in my Catholic parent's record collection!

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Good to see the Dolomite’s Albums after seeing the movie

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Wow. I never knew this. Never heard of any of it. But I’m a midwesterner

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