
Thank you. I think I'm right in thinking that Wodehouse has always had a big following in India (I am assuming, and I apologise if I'm wrong, that you are there). However, although he was born into the Raj era and lived much of his life while it still existed, I don’t think that extends to borrowing Hobson-Jobson varieties of slang. More, dare I say, the pity.

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Traipse. We def. like traipse. I shall shuffle on encouraged.

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Love this! My mom loves PG Wodehouse - she's the one who introduced me to him - and so I always think of his books with such fondness.

- S

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I went through a phase of reading Wodehouse in my teens. I was a regular visitor to the local library (remember those?), where one day I picked up one of his J&W books and thought it looked interesting; I went on to read probably a dozen or so of them. I remember finding them to be a delightful blend of quaintness, hilarity and acerbity.

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A lovely traipse through his work. I have an omnibus I ought to be reading. I've read a couple, The Mating Season being a favorite.

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